Player Information

Player Information

Player Registration

  1. Required by Registration Meeting
    1. Completed 2024 Player Indemnification Form (Fillable PDF File)
      1. No notary required
    2. CompletedOnline Player Registration
    3. Pay with credit card at the online player registration above for $100 tryout fee.
  2. Upload online, or bring to registration if you have the following completed. These are required before the player tryouts and/or practices.
    1. Turn-in OFFICIAL birth certificate (no copies)
      1. Montana – order online
    2. Completed and signed by a Doctor MHSA Confidential Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Examination
    3. Signed Player Drug and Alcohol Policy
    4. Signed Player Core Covenant
    5. Signed Parent Policy

Player Forms to be Completed AFTER making the Roster

  1. Complete Player Profile Form for Media (Will be online after team selection)
  2. Travel to Canada – for those players traveling or anticipating traveling to Canada this season
    1. Get your US Passport or validate travel outside the US
    2. Bring your drivers license
    3. Bring official copy of your birth certificate
    4. Bring and Sign parent travel permission form

Player Sponsorship/Fundraising